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To the voters and taxpayers

of Madison County Indiana.


The Swamp continue to spin the lies out of CONTROL!

The Dispatch Center has been a hot topic for over three years (2021). 


Commissioner Richwine believes he runs the Kingdom along with County Council President Ben Gale, Dianna Likens, Rob Steele, and Indiana State Trooper Anthony Emery.


But not so fast! 


There appears to be a growing alliance of truth coming forward!!!


The leader to standing up FOR the taxpayers is Mayor Todd Jones from Elwood along with Todd Naselroad from Alexandria.


These two men have stood their ground and pushed back! 


Now Lapel-Stoney Creek Fire Territory, Town of Ingalls, South Madison Fire Territory have said we are not paying for this either! Why should they….they never have in the past!


Ben Gale States there are 14 towns/cities that pay, this ONLY started once the 2021 agreement ended


NEVER has more than 4 entities paid for dispatch!

His BOLD and AUDACIOUS lies need to STOP! 

Let’s set the record straight. (2012-2021)


12 years AGO: Elwood, Alexandria, City of Anderson and the County agreed to consolidate the Dispatch Centers: (4 Dispatches into 1)

In a RESOLUTION 2012-01 on January 2, 2012!

According to the contract for Central Dispatch, every municipality fulfilled their obligation to the county.


If you look closely at #9, it states “during the term of this agreement, the parties will attempt in good faith to find alternative sources with which to fund any future agreement.”


“For example, the parties may seek legislative changes in financing methods, 911 telephone tax amendments, or income tax, amendments or alternatives.”

# 10. “should there be insufficient resources to replace the payment from the city of Elwood to Madison County by 2021, the party shall enter negotiations to continue the payments or find some other sources of revenue.”


The original 10 year agreement was ONLY to ensure the County would retain the dispatchers from Anderson, Elwood and Alexandria at the time of consolidation plus their equipment would become part of the Counties property!


I want everybody to think back to the County Council meeting in, 2022 where the lit tax was increased from .15 to .3 this amount of money generated an extra $3.3 million for the county public safety tax.

Mayor Jones, Naselroad and Broderick fulfilled the AGREEMENT! They supported the LIT tax increase, when the County voted it down, which “FOUND an ALTERNATIVE Source for future FUNDING!!!!!!”


The County went from $ 2.2 million to bringing in a whopping $ 5.5 million.  


So, with this tax increase, the county had enough funding to completely cover ALL of the cost for Dispatch!!!!!! 


Richwine and the Swamp, are claiming they need $ 3.7 million to run DISPATCH. 

That gives the County $1.8 million to still play with or put in their pockets, so why does the COUNTY need to bleed the municipalities? 


AGAIN, the county voted no on the increase in 2022. They said they did NOT need the EXTRA funds!!!!


Now let’s see what the state LAW says:

State law says the county is required to provide dispatch!


It’s the statewide 911 law that went into effect that required the consolidation!

By law there can be no more than 2 dispatches in a county! 

​Herald Bulletin article County swings and misses in dispatch center funding discussions.


IC 36-8-15-8


Sec. 8. The purposes of the district are the following:


(1) To provide and maintain modern, dependable, and efficient public safety communications systems within the district for the purpose of promoting the expeditious delivery of public services to the residents and taxpayers throughout the district in order to assure the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare.


(2) In a county having a consolidated city, to provide computers â€‹for the efficient functioning of governmental offices for the benefit of the residents and taxpayers throughout the district.

















These purposes are public purposes for which public money may be spent and private property may be provided. The general assembly finds and declares that the facilities needed to accomplish these purposes are local public improvements.

I guess Ben Gale didn't get the memo or read Indiana before his P.S.A. 07/09/2024.



Is John Richwine, Ben Gale and the Swamp strong arming the municipalities because they would be breaking the law if they built their own dispatches since you can only have 2. 


According to the Mayors, “They have told us repeatedly if you don’t pay, we will stop dispatching”... well that is against the law as well…Oh that’s right our County officials along with GOP Chair Russ Willis believe they are above the law!


Here are some quick facts but it will have to wait for another post:


- Dispatch budget is $3.5million... lists 37 dispatchers... they only have 21... that 1.3 million in fluff.


- A study was done in 22 that said even at 21 they were over staffed and listed tons of changes that needed made... they enacted ZERO of them


- There is actually a lawsuit against dispatch that several other communities are part of over this


- The only people playing “politics with public safety” is the SWAMP!


- Fun fact or disgusting fact, this county has enough money to run for an entire year without taking another dime from the taxpayers, for an entire year!!!!!!!!!!!


Last time I looked, we have 3 
commissioners AND 7 County Council Members:
“I’m not sure how Ben can spew that he’ll take it up with commissioner Richwine.” 

This county ELECTED a body of people to oversee and make sure transparency takes place!!!


But it looks like we’ve got two or three ring leaders who believe they run the show and can do whatever they want with our money.


Please also look at Auditor Rick Gardner along with Chief Deputy Culp spewing that they have about $40 million, every month….


Well here is the REALITY: according to Gateway at the end of 2023 we have over $105 million in our budget to be able to spend.


So, would somebody like to tell me where the other $60 million is at?  


There’s a lot of information to go along with this whole nightmare.


I will continue to roll out more and more documents and information showing that commissioner Richwine along with President Ben Gale and the swamp are misleading, misrepresenting and ripping off the taxpayers.




ALL MUNICIPALITIES should cease making payments effective August 1, 2024. 


YOU have FULFILLED the initial CONTRACT!


They should take this money and raise the salaries to the OFFICERS, FIREFIGHTERS, MEDICS, DISPATCH, and CORONERS along with Hiring additional members for the teams!


The COUNTY has the money….. 


But don’t take my word for it: Just take a look at all the documents I have provided for the PEOPLE~!


Here are some comments that should be read in response to Ben Gales TIRADE

Mayor TODD JONES, Elwood
Jon Bell I thought the feds had mandated the counties to run dispatch for all municipalities within the territory?
Todd Jones


Jon Bell , yes you are correct. The inter local agreement for the past 10 years was Anderson 1,172,523, Madison County 1,172,523 Alexandria 90,000, Elwood 90,000. This contract was valid for 10 years and has expired. The proposal for the redistribution of LIT written by Ted Nolting the County Attorney was trying to cram down all municipalities throats was a redistribution of over 3 million dollars of those funds. 


Ben Gale told a lot of lies tonight and his threat of reducing dispatch services to communities not paying on an expired contract is ridiculous. Especially when I had an officer murdered less than 2 years ago so this strikes a major nerve. 

The 4 municipalities above pay for both police and fire dispatch while the rest of the municipalities/townships only pay for fire and receive police dispatch for free. If this redistribution would pass. The City of Anderson would pay $194,152 more than number above. 


The County ironically would pay $24,516 less the number above. The City of Elwood would pay $126,557 more than the previous $90,000 expired contract, and the City of Alexandria would pay $52,922 more than the $90,000 expired contract. The City of Anderson, Elwood, Alexandria, and Town of Lapel are against this proposal prepared by County Attorney Ted Nolting. 


The only good faith negotiations have been by municipalities throughout the County not the County itself. 


Unfortunately the County’s mindset is we are the County you have to do what we say. I have set idle on a lot of the County’s mishaps but when they want to reduce services and then want to boast about how healthy the Rainy Day fund is, all that tells me is either they are taxing the residents in the County too much and not keeping the residents hard earned money where it belongs which is in the residents pockets, or they are passing the burden of a County operational expense to local municipalities which I believe both is the case in this situation. 


President Gale this isn’t playing politics as you claim, as there is no D or R way when it comes to public safety you are playing with residents lives and public safety lives by threatening to reduce services because the County can’t come to terms with a contract, so instead your answer is to take money away from municipalities who are using that LIT money to put extra boots on the street to enhance Public Safety or cut their services.


Brilliant thinking!
Jon Bell


Katherine Callahan before the conglomeration of dispatch to a single Public Safety Dispatch Center (PSAP) Anderson had its own team and facility. A single PSAP could have been cheaper to operate than two stand alone facilities.
There has been a lot of debate over what the fare share of costs should be but last I knew, Anderson will not increase it dollar amount they pay in, regardless of the increase in costs over the years.

There are plenty of funds, especially given the public safety increase passed a few years ago. 

Is the purpose of this legislation to mandate a portion of the Public Safety LIT be used for dispatch? If so, that is a way to force some $$ from Anderson.

I wish I had the details.


Shelly Boggs- Harvey:
After reading Todd Jones' comment, my eyes are open to the shenanigans of our Commissioners and of course Ben Gale will toe the line for them!!


Just as I suspected as the council has approved MILLIONS to the judicial system and EXTRA raises and new hires beyond department's actual 2024 budget, Ben Gale & the Commissioners want to once again GOUGE the TAXPAYERS! 


Madison County residents, this is why I & others were so outspoken during the primaries. Commissioner John Richwine has had 28 YEARS in county government to turn this county around and it is in shambles while every chance he gets, he raises our taxes and hires his favorite out of town cronies who pad his campaign endeavors! (I've seen his & Rick Gardner's campaign reports) 


The same goes for Rick Gardner! He and his cohort Todd Culp are NO different than John Richwine! & Guess what? City Councilwoman Jennifer Culp (Todd Culp's wife) voted IN FAVOR of this tax increase on the City side!!


When is ENOUGH actually ENOUGH??? Our property taxes are going up and now they want to raise our LIT tax both in the CITY & COUNTY!! and there sits Auditor Rick Gardner touting "HIS" Rainy Day Fund!! He is using OUR Tax $$ like it's his personal piggy bank!!


If we have such a surplus the taxpayers should be receiving a refund instead of another tax hike!! And if the GOP chairman, Russ Willis, can run false information on candidates and send false information via email to sway the voters his way, we will NEVER get rid of them!


Katherine Callahan:
Lying is the way of life for the swamp!

Gale, Emery, Willis, Darlene and Diana Likens, Steele, Richwine, Pratt, Smith, Gardner and Culp!


If we the people sit idle and allow it.

We are no better than the Swamp!

For a handful of us.

We choose to continue to call the behavior out and hold the swamp accountable!


For the elected Republicans who sit idle and condone this behavior well let’s just say…you love seeing your name on billboards!


And I love posting factual information with receipts to help keep your face and your name in the public eye!


Until we have enough people educated with accurate information that will vote for change…I will keep informing the public!

I have faith that our pursuit of truth will become infectious and others will get fed up and expose this corruption!


We have come a long way and we have a long way to go!

But we are making progress!

All I ever wanted was respect for our deceased loved ones! 

A morgue, transportation and enough funding to do proper death investigations! 

To the Swamp:  you want to send out Disgusting full of lies Flyers regarding ME! 


Well I am going to set the record straight! 

Stay tuned Madison County! 



July 09, 2024 Herald Bulletin Article Links: 


County council takes no action on dispatch center funding | Local News |


Madison County wants change in dispatch center funding | News |


County takes NO ACTION on DISPATCH CENTER FUNDING! 07/09/2024 due to Mikael Vaughn absence would tie the County Council Vote. This is the 2nd month in a row Council Man Vaughn has not been seated at a County Council Meeting this year. 




12/24/2022 County Attorney sends a DEMAND Letter to the Municipalities (Elwood/Alexandria/Anderson etc.). The County was demanding the municipalities continue paying on a contract that was fulfilled in 2021. The County was supposed to find alternative funding which was found, but the County dragged their feet on it. 


(Katherine Callahan NOTES)

Don’t take my word for it….Look at all these documents I am providing you….its your MONEY!


It appears Mayor Todd Jones, Elwood is absolutely correct in leading the CHARGE….


Just say NO to CORRUPTION by the ELECTED County Officials!


Mayor Jones and Mayor Todd Naselroad of Alexandria, NOT only found the resources to fulfill their contract…. but they exceeded it!


They actually led a charge of being PROACTIVE along with other Municipalities to find additional money for the County Council!


The County Council once again “dragged” their feet and stayed in a state of REACTION!


To make matters worse the County Council proved a point…the raise in taxes were NOT necessary….


The County Council voted against raising the LIT tax!

The only body who VOTED against it.


WHY????? Because Diana Likens was up for election and she is the one who tipped the scales, now she is in favor of threatening to take away Dispatch Services for Alexandria and Elwood if they do NOT pay.


So why now, when the County voted against Public Safety taxes are they trying to “pick pocket” ALL the municipalities?

I mean the County got an instant raise of $3.3 million dollars annually….


To total $5.5 million annually!


I will tell you why….because Commissioner Richwine, Councilman Ben Gale and Auditor Rick Gardner are in over their heads with this NEW jail!!!


They have been so reckless with County Dollars they do not know how to come up with the funding to get this jail in motion….So they rob Peter to pay Paul…..They must have so much in the accounts to get the bonds they need….


But Mayor Jones and Naselroad….figured out the bullying and said, NOT so fast! 


Also NOTE that some of this is our opinion based on research and facts we have found through digging into the HOT Topic - LIT FUND. We also are giving all the information to the public for them to re-research what we have researched to come up with their own conclusions based on the evidence provided. 




Resolution 2012-01
Resolution to establish an interlocal cooperation agreement between Madison County & the City of Elwood to operate Madison County Central Dispatch. 





County officials want to increase public safety tax



Officials: Proposed tax increase seen as quality of life issue



1st Public Hearing on Public Safety - Jail - LIT Fund

​Meeting: County Council second Tuesday (



County Council delays action on income tax increase



County Council sets public hearing on income tax increase





County Council to get public input on tax increase



2nd Public Hearing on Public Safety - Jail - LIT Fund

Meeting: County Council second Tuesday ( 



County Council defeats proposed public safety income tax hike


Madison County Council Meeting 10/12/2021: 
2nd PUBLIC Hearing on the LIT Tax Increase

 Play >>  President Gale presents Ordinance 2021-8A – Ordinance Modifying Local Income Tax Rates (FAILED)
Motion: to accept as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Rob Steele

                 Play >> Resident Keith Gaskill speaks on the

                                proposed tax increase.
 Play >> Resident Holly Renz speaks on the 

                                proposed tax increase.
Play >> Resident Denise Valdez speaks on the

                                proposed tax increase.
Play >> Resident Bethany Keller speaks on the

                                proposed tax increase.
 Play >> Resident Michael Anderson speaks on the

                                proposed tax increase.
Play >> Dr. Michael Person, non-resident, speaks

                                on the proposed tax increase.
Play >> Lisa Scroggins speaks on the proposed 

                               tax increase.
Play >> Resident Kristy Grabowski speaks on the

                               proposed tax increase.   
  Play >> Resident Brian Bell speaks on the

                                proposed tax increase.
                 Play >> Madison County Sheriff Scott Mellinger

                                speaks on the proposed tax increase.

 Play >> President Gale closes the public hearing.

 Play >> 

Eric, RQAW, speaks to the Council regarding the jail study.

 Play >>  Jack Krouse speaks on the jail study.

 Play >>  President Gale presents Ordinance 2021-8A – Ordinance Modifying Local Income Tax Rates
Motion: to accept as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Rob Steele

Roll Call Vote:

 Yes – Anthony Emery, Rob Steele, Ben Gale.

No – Mikael Vaughn, Fred Reese, Jerry Alexander, Diana Likens.
Motion Fails


Video Links below are to our youtube channel. We have links with notes of who is speaking. It's hard to tell by watching the video on the County website. 

Youtube Video  LIT Fund Balance Introduction

Youtube Video 1 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND

Youtube Video 2 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND 

Youtube Video 3 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND 

Youtube Video 4 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND

Youtube Video 5 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND

Youtube Video 6 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND

Youtube Video 7 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND 

Youtube Video 8 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND

Youtube Video 9 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND 

Youtube Video 10 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND

Youtube Video 11 of ?: 2nd Public Hearing on LIT FUND 

Youtube Video 3 of ? Clip Highlight ​Ollie Dixon (D)

City council sets hearing on proposed income tax increase



Ken de la Bastide column: Interesting developments in tax hike effort



Crunch time for increasing public safety income tax | Local News | 



Elwood, Markleville back raising local income tax



Ingalls not voting on proposed pubic safety income tax increase 


10/28/2021 Resolution 14-21 LIT FUND increase $.25 to $.55
Ken de la Bastide column: How much is public safety worth in the county? | Columns |

Special City of Anderson Council Meeting: 

Youtube Video 1 of 28 LIT Fund Introduction
Youtube Video 2 of 28 Clip Highlight Jon Bell (R)
Youtube Video 3 of 28 Clip Highlight Ollie Dixon (D)
Youtube Video 4 of 28 Clip Highlight Rebecca Crumes (D)
Youtube Video 5 of 28 Clip Highlight Rebecca Crumes (D)
Youtube Video 6 of 28 Clip Highlight Jennifer Culp (R)
Youtube Video 7 of 28 Clip Highlight Rodney Cummings (R)
Youtube Video 8 of 28 Clip Highlight Scott Mellinger (D)
Youtube Video 9 of 28 Clip Highlight Mikael Vaughn (R)
Youtube Video 10 of 28 Clip Highlight Rodney Cummings (R)
Youtube Video 11 of 28 Clip Highlight Joe Newman (R)
Youtube Video 12 of 28 Clip Highlight Scott Mellinger (D)
Youtube Video 13 of 28 Clip Highlight Scott Mellinger (D)
Youtube Video 14 of 28 Clip Highlight Ollie Dixon (D)
Youtube Video 15 of 28 Clip Highlight Bryan Williams (?)
Youtube Video 16 of 28 Clip Highlight Lindsay Brown (D)
Youtube Video 17 of 28 Clip Highlight Ben Gale (R)
Youtube Video 18 of 28 Rebecca Crumes (D)
Youtube Video 19 of 28 Andrew Hannah (?)
Youtube Video 20 of 28 David Eickes (D)
Youtube Video 21 of 28 Clip Highlight T.B.A. (?)
Youtube Video 22 of 28 Judge Happe (R)
Youtube Video 23 of 28 Judge Happe (R)
Youtube Video 24 of 28 Jerry Alexander (R)
Youtube Video 25 of 28 Andrew Hannah (?)
Youtube Video 26 of 28 Clip Highlight Fay Dansberry (?)
Youtube Video 27 of 28 Clip Highlight Fred Reese (D)
Youtube Video 28 of 28 Clip Highlight THE VOTE 5 to 4?!?




June 2024 Madison County Council deadlock vote 3 & 3 which makes it a wash. Mikael Vaughn absent from voting. 


07/09/2024 Madison County Council removed the VOTE for Public Safety from the agenda. Council Member Ben Gale threw in his Public Service Announcement which struck a lot of nerves in Madison County Indiana. 


​CONTACT info for Elected Officials​​​​​


Madison County Council:


District 1 Bethany Keller 

District 2 Diana Likens   

D3 Jodi Norrick   

D4 Robert Steele  

D5 Anthony Emery 

At Large: Ben Gale  

At Large: Mikeal Vaughn 


City of Anderson Council:





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