~ All Out of BubbleGum Indiana ~
Headquarters: City of Anderson, Madison County, Indiana

Local History Highlight Clips for
Madison County, Indiana
YOUTUBE Clips of Local History Highlights
in Madison County, Indiana
local History Highlights Clip 1-
Local Income Tax Anderson Indiana (Meeting when the City Council LIT Tax Vote PASSED in 2021)
To see full clip via Rebecca Crumes (Democrat): https://www.facebook.com/100002134395...
Anderson IN Special City Council Meeting Oct 28, 2021 Proposed Local Income Tax History Highlight Clip 10/28/2021 goes to County Council Member Ben Gale (Republican)(Pro Increase?!?) _______________________________________
Listen to Ben Gale’s explanation of why taxes needed to be raised!! “When we look at the .2% tax increase that was passed by the county council….Gale states that will be enough to obtain the bonds to pay for the jail!!!!!!!! Gale, “goes on to say, but we need an extra stream of revenue To secure the bonds.”
So hey, let’s go BULLY Mayor Jones and Naselroad!!! We will use our COUNTY ATTORNEY TO send threatening and intimidating letters using tax payer dollars!!!!
Gale, “states building the building is NOT enough.” “We have to have the support Of the other public safety Departments to make the jail run!!!!!” So why is Ben Gale, John Richwine, Rick Gardner and the swamp trying to take the money from the municipalities?
They need their money too! Because they have been a disaster managing the County Funds! So, They need to take their money too!!! At the end of the day, the bottom line is county councilman Ben Gale, commissioner John Richwine and auditor Rick Gardner want their tax cut and they want a piece of every municipality to fund this absurd cost of a jail.
Commissioner Richwine has been in his seat for over 20 years. The majority of you reelected Commissioner Richwine and professional Bankruptcy Gardner!!!
Gardner has been the Auditor for the past 8 years and has done nothing but take grant money and say he has tightened his belt! This is commissioner Richwine‘ and the swamps epic failure as a commissioner, Auditor and Councilman for not getting this jail up and in place six years ago he has cost the county and the taxpayers at least 50 million additional tax dollars because he cannot get this jail in motion. (Katherine Callahan Quote)
NOTE anyone wanting copies of documents can ask for them or go to the website
( www.alloutofbubblegum.org ) connected to all the videos or topics of the videos or find the documents on social media Katherine Callahan (MadCo) or All Out of Bubblegum Indiana.
Shalom, 11the Generation American Melungeon & Disgruntled Combat Veteran Nicole (Schuyler) Kapuscinski a.k.a. Activist Nikki All Out of Bubble Gum Indiana www.alloutofbubblegum.org
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